incision lipomastia Surgery; applies to larger
glandular tissue than 30g
Through periareolar minimal incision, push
the angulated scissors and instruments to
remove the mammary gland tissue
We created and modified the lipomastia
scissors and other instruments itself.
Silhouette Lipomastia Center have a rich
experience of over 6,000 cases and
developed a special instruments.
Angulated lipomastia scissors narrow light retractor for lipomastia surgery
Periareolar 2mm hole; adequate to glandular tissue 30g or less and abundant adipose
First, ultrasonic liposuction through the
periareolar incision and then gland tissue shaving
Usually the postoperative scar is 2-3mm or
less, so cannot see the scar.
Special tissue shaver for lipomastia
surgery is applied in Silhouette Lipomastia Center.
It looks like a long stick shape like the
liposuction cannula, and it contains the rotating surgical blade.
Using these instruments, we remove the
mammary gland tissue.
The mammary gland tissue that is insoluble
by ultrasound or laser is very dense parenchyma of the breast
They who received lipomastia surgery by
only liposuction were regret due to the much lower satisfaction.
The protuberance of the nipple-areolar
complex is no change because of the remained glandular tissue.
That is the most common cause of
Silhouette Lipomastia Center definitely
remove the glandular tissue using “the special tissue shaver”
4. Axillary
2mm hole; adequate to glandular tissue 0g or
less and small amount adipose tissue
We operate as this method for those who
avoid the areola incision.
We make only 2mm incision on the axillary
First, ultrasonic liposuction through the
periareolar incision and then gland tissue shaving
We use the tissue adhesive(Human Bond) for
these armpit incisions.
These bond has the function of
waterproofing and sterile coating.
You can shower the next day after surgery
and there are no stitches.
This operation is not interfere with
everyday lift just one day after surgery.
Silhouette Lipomastia Center is the no.
1 center for treat a lot of gynecomatia.
We can solve your troubles using this
excellent surgical method has invisible scats after lipomastia surgery.
You can set the day you want the surgery.
You can receive the surgery immediately
after counseling or preoperative interview.
No general anesthesia, no necessary blood
test and/or urine test,
But we will some simple test in cases of more
than 40s, having a chronic disease and suspected abnormalities with endocrine
Please tell us at least one week before
surgery about taking weight loss medicine, penicillin-like preparations,
hormones, and cold medicine(aspirin etc)
Direction and Location of Silhouette Lipomastia Center
Silhouette Lipomastia center Treatment
weekdays A.M. 9:30 – P.M. 7:00
Saturday A.M. 9:30 – P.M. 3:00
For Reservation Tel. 02-3443-1180/1280
You can get more comfortable advice before
you come to visit in advance telephone booking.
We are closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Silhouette Builing 4,5,6F Shinsa-Dong, Gangnam-Gu,