2015년 9월 7일 월요일

Korea Silhouette What is Lipomastia?

What is Lipomastia?

Lipomastia(fatty type gynecomastia)refers to a disease that a man’s breasts get bigger like a woman’s breasts due tothe fattissueandglandular tissuebuilt up in his breasts.

Usually occurring while going through puberty, this acts as a complexorseverestress.

Even after growing up, they suffer from social life or group life and do notgo to the pool or public bath in some cases.

Butbreastenlargementstarting inadolescenceis usuallynormal.
Lipomastia will usually disappear before the age of 20, that is, in the process of being an adult.
Therefore,wehaveto waitfor about 1-3 yearsduring middle and high school days.
Iflipomastiaremainsevenafter being an adult, surgicaltreatmentis required.
Fat tissue isremoved by liposuction and glandular tissueis excised.

Early 30s, Height 174cm, Weight 73kg

Liposuction 20-50cc, Excision 6-8g

Postoperation 6 months

Various exercises and diet therapieshave been introduced to make M line but the effect is not good..
In particular, in case of gynecomastia, the priority is to eliminate the mammary gland tissue.

There are more than twenty different ways to remove the breast tissue.
These methods are slightly different for each clinic.
Based onmore than 6,000 surgical cases, Silhouette Lipomastia Center is performing Silhouette Lipomastia
surgeryfor“Invisible scar and perfect chest contouring"

2015년 9월 4일 금요일

Silhouette Abdominal Plastic Surgery Clinic
1. Safe
2. Visible effect
3. Minimized side effect
4. A clinic specialized for shaping bodyline

Early 40s, Height 165cm, Weight 61kg

1.5Liter using ultrasonic liposuction, Remove Belly Fat 500g

Postoperation 7 months.
You can definitely see the difference before and after surgery.

Abdominal plastic surgery is about cut off droopy belly skin. Silhouette Clinic first performs liposuction 360 degrees on the entire body from the upper and lower abdomen to waist and back skin and then cuts off droopy belly skin.

You can see a definite effect from this abdominal plastic surgery if you have a number of scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks.

Abdominal plastic surgery has a long history and there are many kinds of surgery. However, it has been known to cause serious side effects from time to time owing to a long operation time and a lot of bleeding. Nevertheless, Yun Sang Yub, the director of Silhouette Clinic, has completed “Silhouette Abdominal Plastic Surgery” after continuously researching abdominal plastic surgery and developing surgery methods.

“Silhouette Abdominal Plastic Surgery” is a way of surgery that improves the contour of abdomen by performing liposuction on the entire back, waistline, and abdomen, without desquamation (a surgery method of cutting all nerves and blood vessels with knife and scissors). There are not many plastic surgeons in Korea who can perform abdominal plastic surgery in this way.