2015년 9월 1일 화요일

performing more than 6,000 operations. Silhouette Lipomastia Center.

Did you know?

Currently, many people are regaining confidence through Lipomastia surgery.
We recommend accurate diagnosis and appropriate surgery rather than worrying alone.

Middle 20s, height 180cm, weight 75kg normal body habitus

Ultrasonic liposuction on the periphery of breasts; 110cc and 170cc
Fibro-fatty tissue excision 12 and 15g

5 months after lipomastia reduction surgery
You can see the shape of normal-looking chest.

Silhouette Lipomastia Center is a specialized plastic surgery center with the record of operating more than 6,000 surgical cases.

Operation is done through small 2-3mm incision hole and post-operative scars are not visible.
The glandular tissue excision is performed through areola incision.
The scar is not reduced less than 1cm just by using general surgical scissors and retractors.
During endoscopic operation, to remove a large mammary gland, areola incision becomes necessary again, requiring small and delicate instruments.
Based on rich experiences, Silhouette lipomastia center develops and uses special instruments on its own for effective operation.

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