2017년 12월 11일 월요일

High school age gynecomastia to wait about 1-3 years


This occurs usually go through puberty and will act as a complex or severe stress.
After to be the adults they are suffered from social life and group life. In some cases, they do not go well in the pool or bath.

Almost occurs alone for most healthy people, but can occur as a symptom of a rare endocrine disorder.
Also red flags indicating that more than one of the endocrine system, such as (Klinefelter's syndrome) or testes, adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, liver disease, a rare chromosomal abnormality, so extra care is desirable.

But breast enlargement began in adolescence is usually normal.
Usually lipomastia will be disappeared from the process by which an adult, usually before 20 years of age.
Therefore, we have to wait about 1-3 years of high school age.
If lipomastia remained after to be adult, surgical treatment is required.

Before surgery.

Early 20s
Height 175
Weight 70

Ultrasonicliposuction 90cc-110cc
Excision 5g-4g

19 months after surgery.
The chest looks flat.

In particular, it eliminates the mammary gland tissue in case of gynecomastia has priorities.

There are more than twenty different ways to remove the breast tissue.
These methods are slightly differently for each clinics.

Silhouette Lipomastia Center is a specilalized plastic surgery center with the record of
operating more than 6,000 surgical cases.
We perform the “Invisible scar and perfect chest contouring” operation.

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