2016년 2월 22일 월요일

surgery customized gynecomastia

Lipomastia is caused by mammary gland developed by hormone imbalance symptom due to various reasons and excessively accumulated fat tissue.

It is one of the symptoms that occur in more men than you think and there is no significant functionalinconvenience but we recommend you to treat it through surgery because many of them feel psychologically stressful due to complex or poor self-esteem.

Before surgery.
Late 10s, height 175cm, weight 64kg.

Ultrasonic liposuction 100-150cc, excision 10-10g.

13 months after surgery.
You can definitely see the difference before and after surgery.

In many cases, both fat and mammary gland are developed so surgery customized for your current Lipomastia status is required.

Liposuction alone may not correct the periareolar area and removing the mammary glandthrough the machine may cause unsatisfactory results because it is not removed completely.

You may find more satisfactory postoperative results because SilhouetteLipomastia surgery is carried out with both glandular tissue resection using a specialcannular tube enabling a delicate tube by considering your current Lipomastia status and fine liposuction by generally considering the three-dimensional shape of the breasts.

scars are not visible man boobs surgery

Silhouette Lipomastia Center is a specialized plastic surgery center with the record of operating more than 6,000 surgical cases.

Operation is done through small 2-3mm incision hole and post-operative scars are not visible.

Before surgery.
Middle 10s, height 173cm, weight 76kg.

Ultrasonic liposuction 300-350cc, excision 25-30g.

11 months after surgery.
You can definitely see the difference before and after surgery.

The glandular tissue excision is performed through areola incision.
The scar is not reduced less than 1cm just by using general surgical scissors and retractors.

During endoscopic operation, to remove a large mammary gland, areola incision becomes necessary again, requiring small and delicate instruments.
Based on rich experiences, Silhouette lipomastia center develops and uses special instruments on its own for effective operation.

6,000 operations gynecomastia surgery

In the breasts of men, the fat tissue and glandular tissue builds up to like large breasts of women, called “Lipomastia (fatty type gynecomastia)

This occurs usually go through puberty and will act as a complex or severe stress.

After to be the adults they are suffered from social life and group life. In some cases, they do not go well in the pool or bath.

Before surgery
Early 30s, height 172cm, weight 65kg.

Liposuction 250-300cc, excision 7-10g.

8 months after surgery.
You can see the shape of normal-looking chest.

breast enlargement began in adolescence is usually normal.
Usually lipomastia will be disappeared from the process by which an adult, usually before 20 years of age.

Therefore, we have to wait about 1-3 years of high school age,
If lipomastia remained after to be adult, surgical treatment is required.

Throughout liposuction process, fat tissue is removed and Using tissue shaver, glandular tissue excision is performed.

2016년 2월 18일 목요일

For those who worry about Gynecomastia and having the operation. part 5

Some papers on gynecomastia surgery, published in mdecial journals

1. 2005

2. 2007


4. 2009

5. 2014 in English journal

In addition to that, Director of Silhouette Gynecomastia Center has provided lectures on gynecomastia to doctors majoring in surgery against the specialists, more than 30 times.

For those who worry about Gynecomastia and having the operation. part 4

1. Minimal Incision Scar

A scar is made by making the 6-7mm of minimal incision in 6 o’clock direction. It is a procedure using the scissors for gynecomastia and a high frequency machine.

This approach was published by Director Yoon Sng-yeop of Silhouette Plastic Surgery in Korean Society of Plastic Reconstrctive Surgeon in 2007. .
Since then, many plastic surgeons have heard the announcement , learned the method, and followed it.

Using the special utensils and scissors as shown in the picture can reduce the areola scars.  

Since then, Silhouette Plastic Surgery has developed this method more to carry out the surgery making a 2-3mm small hale (stab incision)
Recently, a developed method guarantying no scar is used. 

2. 2mm small hole(stab incision, small hole) scar

The surgery is available only by making a small hole, not making the incision or scar.
A 2-3mm hole is made on the areola or in the armpit for liposuction or glandular removal.        
A scar is not left after the surgery.  
An electric knife (tissue shave) is used. .

In 2009, Silhouette Plastic Surgery used an electric knife (tissue shave) for gynecomastia surgery.
It was announced as a new surgical method in the Korean Society of Plast Reconstrctive Surgeon.
In the front side of the tissue shaver, there is a metal blade to cut the glandular tissue. It is cut as the shaver rotates.    
The rear side of the electric knife is connected to the machine to absorbing the tissue, inhaling the cut glandular tissue.  

In the procedure, fat is melted using an ultrasonic wave to be inhaled. The grandular line is cut step by step and removed gradually.

Silhouette Plastic Surgery is the only hospital that can carry out the surgery with a 2mm-small hole. It is explained by Silhouette Plastic Surgery’s career with the surgical cases of 6,000 or more .
Accumulated experiences and know-how make it possible to damage the surrounding tissue and to minimize scars.

However, the only surgical method one way does not solve all gynecomastias. Do not stick to  the method only.   
Gynecomastia surgery has developed continuously.
The ultimate goals of gynecomastia surgery are  
1.     Not to leave surgical traces,
2.     Not to damage the surrounding tissue
3.     To effectively remove fat and the grandular line
4.     To make a male chest into a normal, flat shape.
5.     And to quickly restore to the life without side effects.

Surgical Methods by Generation by Silhouette Plastic Surgery and Comparison of Scars

(Left) 1st generation gynecomastia surgery; prior to 2008(scar length 2 - 3cm)
(Middle ) 2nd generation gynecomastia surgery; prior to 2010 (scar length 6 – 7 mm)
(Right) 3rd generation gynecomastia surgery; after 2010 (scar length 2 – 3 mm, invisible after the surgery)

Silhouette Plastic Surgery has increasingly developed the surgical procedure developed on its own. 
It can be distinguished into the above 3 generations.
Ultimately, it is evolving in the direction of the invisible scars while liposuction and grandular removal are effectively carried put.

The most recent updated gynecomastia surgical methods by Silhouette Plastic Surgery

Benefits from Gynecomastia Surgery by Silhouette Plastic Surgery

1.No scars after the  surgery. 2-3 mm small holes scars are difficult to find. .
2. The operative time is short as about 1 hour.
3. Everyday life available after the surgery. Faster recovery. Most of the surgical procedures are liposuction. No damage occurs to the surrounding tissue as mastectomy is not applied, like breast cancer surgery,
4. Not uncomfortable because there is no need to wear a drain.
5. As a human bond is used to stitch the skin, no process is required to apply disinfection or undo a seam. It is possible to take a shower the following day. 

Procedure by G
ynecomastia Surgery by Silhouette Plastic Surgery 

The surgery is available by making a small hole in the areola or in the armpit.
A hole is not made into the two sites at the same time. One of the two sites is selected for the surgery.

Hereunder the procedure of the surgery, such as making a hole.

1. Topical anesthetic or sedation is applied. After the patient is anesthetized, a hole (2-3mm)  is drilled in the areola boundaries using a surgical knife.

2. Tumescent solution (topical anesthetic and hemostatic agent) is applied evenly across the chest..
3. The fat across the chest is evenly inhaled using an ultrasonic liposuction instrument. .

The black border seen in the picture is the overall scope of the liposuction.

The greenish inner circle is a portion where the breast tissue (granular tissue + fat tissue) are present. It is inhaled by applying an ultrasound wave on a lot of the area.

Applying the fat intake process fully and properly reduces the first touched breast tissue (green boundary and the areola size level (3-4cm) even much.

4. The fat left after uultrasonic liposuction is inhaled using a general fat inhaling instrument..
5. If fat and the granular line are separated, the touching area is reduced Less than one-fifth.

6. The minimal necessary portion of the left grandular tissue is gradually cut using a  (tissue shaver to be removed.  
Cautious work proceeds to protect the chest from depression and to enable the chest to look flat.

7. The small hole made in the areola or in the armpit is inner-stitched and the outer skin is attached by applying a human bond. 

8. A sponge is used to protect the skin and the are is covered with elastic bandage for24 hours.  
9. After the surgery, the sponge and the elastic bandage are released; only the siimle compressive band is worn  for 2-4 weeks.

For 2 – 4 weeks after the surgery, weight training is available.
The surgical method does not damage the surrounding tissues. Thus, the patient can recover quickly and take exercises soon. 

For those who worry about Gynecomastia and having the operation. part 3

Gynecomstia Surgery developed by Generation
The most desirable for gynecomastia surgery is not to leave a scar at all.  
However, the reality is that a small hole is needed to insert an instrument for liposuction and for the removal of the glandular line.
In Silhouette Plastic Surgery, 2-3mm of a small hole is made for the surgery . Thus, scars are not left.

1. Big scar of areola applied to breast cancer surgery – scar exceeding the areola diameter or the areola

The incision is out of the areola after by making a scar after incised at 180 degrees and the scar was extended in a 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock.  

In a plastic surgery concept, it is out of sense to carry out gynecomastia surgery leaving such a serious scar. It is not recommendable.

2. The entire areola (360 degrees) or border scar above

In this procedure, the areola is allowed to turn around or a scar is left on the top.
As the existing serious scar is left, it is not desirable to make a scar not in a state of needing plastic surgery or cutting the skin unnecessarily.

3.Abnormal scar below the areola

Although not beyond the areola, it is the past approach of using the border 180 degrees below the areola or of incising the border more than 1.5cm   

If a scar is left only in 6 o’clock by making the minimum incision, it is not seen well. 
However, the smaller the scar is, the more difficult the surgery. Thus, the same approach is used in the unreferenced hospitals.     

For the plastic surgeons dealing with scars, it is unacceptable to leave a scar more than 1.5.  
In my opinion, it is undesirable.  

In addition, most patients has high expectancy. Thus, making a scar more than 1.5cm, they feel unsatisfactory. This may cause stress.
If the surgeon has better skills and experienced more, it is possible to reduce the scar not to be seen.   

4. Incision hole made on the abdomen for liposuction of a scars far away the abdomen 

A scar is not left on the chest, such as the nipple or areola. However, the
scar is made on the ares far way the abdomen, the scar is visible and clear.  Thus, it is not recommended.

5. Scar in inframammary fold or on the flank side

In this procedure, a scar is made on the imaginary line on the flank side or inframammary fold

Unlike a woman, a man has no clear inframammary fold, making a scar on the imaginary line is not helpful because that line does not hide the scar.
Rather, a noticeable trace is left so it is not desirable.
In the past, a few papers that had dealt with this procedures were published. Recently, many plastic surgeons criticize the method of a making incision on the flank side, as well as the papers do that.  Thus, this approach is not applied any more. 

For those who worry about Gynecomastia and having the operation. part 2

Areola increased due to gynecomastia reduced at the same time 

The areola diameter increased up to by 34mm, caused by gynecomastia, was reduced up to 25mm.  
The right picture shows the areola reduced in 3 months after the surgery.

For the patient under much stress with 36 mm diameter, the diameter was reduced up to 27mm through reducing the areole without a scar.  
The right pictures shows that the areole is well-maintained in a shape in 6 months.

Procedure of areola reduction

This approach is an innovative method to reduce the areloa by stlmulating its back side using a ultrasonic
 In the procedure, a small hole was made in the areola or nipple and the areola diameter was reduced by applying thermal energy on the rear side of the areola. 

It is the case when gynecomastia causes the widened areola. If the fat and glandular line are properly removed through gynecomastia surgery, the areola is reduced much. In particular, stimulating the rear side of the areola with an ultrasonic or high-frequency instrument makes it reduced more. It can reduce it more than 25% on average. This procedure is a Silhouette Plastic Surgery’s own unique surgery.